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  • You may pay by cash, physical credit card, tap, or online via the ECO PASS APP.

  • It’s AWESOME! – Read our testimonials to learn for yourself HERE

  • Gate opens in the order of each paid wash lane.

    Follow the drive thru lane.

    Pull up and into the building/tunnel per the attendant’s direction.

    Once in the tunnel, follow the following steps.

    Take Hands off of the steering wheel.

    Place vehicle in neutral.

    Take foot off of the break.

    Enjoy the ride.

  • Once the vehicle reaches the exit “Drying Heat Chamber” and the “Thank You, Have An Amazing Day!” starts to flash, place vehicle in Drive and enjoy driving your clean car!

  • Eco Pass information can be found HERE

  • Come back soon to find out the answers to the rest of these questions as we complete this page! Thanks for your patience while we finish off our new website.

    Can I take my dog through the car wash?

    Do I place my vehicle in neutral?

    Should I place my car into car wash mode?

    Should I turn off my automatic wipers?

    Can I wash with a trailer hitch?

    Will the vehicle be hand-dried?

    Do you do interior vehicle cleaning?

    Is your car wash touchless?

    Are credit cards accepted?

    Do you use a water reclamation system?

    How are you environmentally friendly?

    Can any sized vehicle be washed?

    Do you wash pickup trucks?

    Can you wash a convertible?

    Can I get my car washed if it was recently painted?

    Could the wash break my cracked windshield?

    Will my bug shield survive a wash?